Friday, October 4, 2019

A secret scandal

My murdered daughter Malki z"l
About thirty leaders of prominent American Jewish organizations gathered last week ["29-Sep-19: As we prepare for the High Holy Day season"] to honor a world leader they clearly esteem.

They accepted the royal invitation to join the ruler in a swank New York City hotel. The leader undoubtedly valued their acceptance of his invitation because his tightly-controlled news services all accorded the event significant coverage.

Conversely, the Jewish organizations involved made no mention whatsoever of the event.

The leader involved is Jordan's King Abdullah II, the same dictator who refuses to accede to the US demand for extradition of mass murderer, Ahlam Tamimi.

She is the bloodthirsty terrorist who has boasted of killing my child, Malki, along with 7 other children and a total of 15 innocent Jews. 

You may wonder what possessed those Jewish leaders when they chose to participate in King Abdullah's performance; how they could greet him without mentioning the protection and respect he has lavished on Tamimi for the past eight years.

From an Arab source, the Jews who breakfasted with the king
You may even be outraged, as my husband and I were, when one of those Jewish leaders told us he could not possibly divulge any details about the encounter because it was "off the record".

Obviously his and his colleagues commitments to King Abdullah outweigh any loyalty he owes the Jewish constituents he purports to serve.

On these days of awe when Jews the world over daily recite the prayer "Avinu Malkeinu" ["Our Father, Our King"], it is distressing to learn that the king these Jewish leaders actually revere is none other than the protector of the nefarious Tamimi, Jordan's King Abdullah II.

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