Sunday, February 27, 2022

Learning from Putin

Tamimi's FBI Wanted poster - and my Malki in a family portrait

If we needed convincing that a single bloodthirsty, hateful individual can inflict widespread carnage and fear, we certainly have it now.
One after another, pundits have uttered the same words, "I never believed Putin would do this."

There is another bloodthirsty, hateful individual on the loose. But unlike Putin, she can be easily arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned. 

Ahlam Tamimi, self-confessed mass murderer, is living a free, charmed life in Amman, Jordan. At any moment she can be found inciting millions to terror and murder from various social media and mainstream media platforms. 

She has already murdered fifteen innocents including eight children - a deed she boasts of repeatedly to her followers.
Tamimi, who stole our precious 15 year old daughter, Malki from us, is one of 25 FBI Most Wanted Terrorists. The poster they issued says in bold text: SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ARMED AND DANGEROUS.

In 2017, she was indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice which demanded her extradition to the US by King Abdullah's government. Despite a valid treaty for that purpose signed and ratified in 1995, Jordan responded: Nothing doing.

But then all efforts to halt her campaign of death and destruction ended. And nobody, but nobody, is interested in jump-starting the pursuit.
Not the State Department. Not the White House. Not the Jewish American leaders and the influential organizations they run. Not the Israeli government.

King Abdullah, the unelected, authoritarian ruler of Jordan, has succeeded in silencing all of the above. An impressive English accent, wide vocabulary and glib, smooth-talk will get you far in today's realpolitik. Justice doesn't feature too often. Abdullah leaves no doubt about that.

Until now, my husband and I and a small group of friends and supporters have been the only ones determined to tackle this monster and have her brought to justice in a US court.

Perhaps the lesson Putin has taught us all will also alert the powers-that-be to the dangers of a free Tamimi.

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