Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Geraldo regrets

So, Geraldo, you regret not joining Ahlam Tamimi in the massacre she perpetrated in 2001 at Jerusalem's Sbarro Restaurant murdering fifteen? 

Smiling on camera when she learned that eight of her victims were children? 

Boasting to this day about her "achievement" to crowds of fans? 

Important for me to know - my precious child was among the dead.

Some background here. And the video below:

Here's the text:
I regret in 2002 backing down from backing the Palestinians in their conflict with Israel. The Second Intifada. Because I saw with my own eyes how. And I know how this is going to resonate very poorly with the people watching right now. But still, I have to tell you how I feel. I saw at firsthand how those people were. And now you said 14, 15 people killed in Gaza. Palestinians killed by the IDF forces. I saw what an awful life they live under constant occupation and oppression. And people keep saying, "Oh, they are terrorists. Or they are this or they are that." They are an occupied people and I regret chickening out after 2002 and not staying on that story and adding my voice as a Jew, adding my voice to those counseling a two-state solution. It is so easy to put them out of sight, out of mind. And let them rot. And be killed. And keep this thing festering. And I think a lot of our current problems stem from – that's almost our original sin. Palestine and Israel. I want a two-state solution. I want President Trump to re-energize the peace process.

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