Thursday, December 3, 2020


[Image Source]
To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, our national TV station (KAN 11) is treating us to a series of programs dealing with the topic of disabilities. 

Each one that I've watched was a gem and it was difficult to choose the best for sharing here. Nevertheless, I settled on the two below:

First - 

סליחה על השאלה ילדים | ילדים עם עיוורון | שידורי בכורה ביוטיוב
On YouTube here
It's a segment of the program "Sorry for the Question" in which blind children answer questions about their lives.

And -

The documentary Master Class which premiered at the Docaviv Film Fetival of 2017 portrays a workshop conducted by actor/director Arnon Zadok for a group of people labeled cognitively disabled or having special needs who attend a day center operated by Chimes Israel. 

Once a week for two hours, the group attends this acting workshop. It is unique in that everything is done by the participants. They act and film themselves. 

The documentary (see it on YouTube) is comprised solely of their material and focuses on several participants who present moments from their lives, unrealized dreams, fears and concerns. The film describes a world parallel to ours but pours a magical light on the truth.

It demonstrates, yet again, why I'm such an avid fan of Israeli documentary films.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we are monitoring Haya closely for her reactions to the med changes we are making for her.

Her neurologist responded within a few hours to my query yesterday. He advised us to return her Vimpat to its previous dosage of 150 mg. We had lowered it to 100 mg. with the goal of gradually removing it entirely.

He advised us to wait with lowering it again until we've reached the highest dose of her new drug, Fycompa.

Confession: We've decided to return to 150 mg only in the morning and remain with 100 mg at night. Haya seems to be seizing a bit less but is more fatigued than usual. That's to be expected with Fycompa, according to the drug info. Her dosage is still the lowest possible, 2 mg. 

So there's a chance that we'll enjoy better times with the goal dosage of 8 mg.

For now, our hopes, bets and prayers are on Fycompa - a drug we'd never even heard of a short two months ago.

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