Friday, November 20, 2020

Finally: Fycompa

First Fycompa
Nearly two months after our tele-visit with Haya's new neurologist, we have, at long last, begun to administer the new anti-epileptic that he prescribed. The bureaucracy confronting us before acquiring it was daunting and, for the most part our health fund (HMO) gets the credit for that. 

We have given Haya two doses thus far and are holding our breath as we wait the six weeks to reach therapeutic levels. 

But we have already dropped one of her other meds - Vimpat - from 150 mg. to 100 mg. The aim is to eliminate that one. I have never observed any benefit from it; only gave it due to pressure from another neurologist and will be pleased to have it in our rear view mirror. 

And here's another "finally": a response from one dignitary who visited Aleh. 

Predictably, it was disappointing and wishy washy. To wit:
"I agree with you that every child deserves the best care possible. Ideally this would be provided at home by the people closest to the child like you describe. Yet, I have visited ALEH’s facility in Jerusalem and learned that many of the children ALEH cares for have severe and very complex medical conditions, where such quality care in a home-environment is sometimes very difficult or almost impossible to realize. I have met very committed and professional caretakers and loving families."
Stay tuned for my response to him.

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