Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Dismal day at the doctor and the dietician

We had a rendezvous with Haya's neurologist and dietician this week. 

My husband Arnold attended in person and I was on video Whatsapp (Haya did not attend). Fortunately it was succinct but not too heavy on the positive news. 

Here are its conclusions:

  • Both agreed there will be no changes to the Ketogenic Diet or the drug regimen for the time being. We would ultimately like to reduce the meds but since Haya was hit with status epilepticus the last time we tried that, it's not a step the doctor wants to take again yet. 
  • Both were also satisfied with the halt in Haya's weight gain although she remains 2-3 kilos heavier than she was when we began the diet. But she was gaunt then.
  • The neurologist predicted, pretty definitively, that there will be no cognitive improvements down the road for Haya regardless of any changes we make in her treatment. Ever.
  • The dietician emphasized that Haya's seizure control would probably improve if I readjusted her meal times. The goal should be to provide her with a longer night-time fasting stretch. Ten to twelve hours would be optimal. I'm aiming for that but not nearly there. Got to get my act together. 
  • The neurologist. thought Haya's frequent right-leg twitching is probably not a seizure but rather some benign involuntary movement of which she is unaware due to her neurological state. I first noticed it several months ago but presumed it wasn't cause for concern; maybe even some normal habit she'd picked up. Arnold wasn't so sure so he raised it. I suppose "normal habit" isn't an option for Haya. 

This is the clip of that twitching which we showed the doctor.

And here is Haya in the hydrotherapy pool this week. We're keeping it up through rain and cold!

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